green ecodictionary icon with a tree symbolizing the plastic tree concept


The plastic tree represents how from the oil cracking are derived the most important materials, ethylene and propylene. Through different processes, these raw materials can be transformed to create new products.
Green Ecodical icon with two arrows and a flower forming a triangle symbolizing the biodegradable concept


Any organic substance that can be decomposed, as it is easily to assimilate by bacteria under normal conditions of light, moisture and heat. This feature permits the regular maintenance of the planet’s ecological balance.
blue ecodictionary icon with three arrows and the world forming a triangle symbolizing life cycle concept


The ecological life cycle of a product includes all the stages from the extraction of raw materials to the final disposal of the waste product.
green ecodictionary icon with two leaves symbolizing the compostable concept


Solid waste, that is possible to eliminate, transforming it into fertilizer substance. A product is “compostable” when it is biodegradable and, in a short time, it’s transformed by microorganisms into water, carbon dioxide and fertile compost, without releases dangerous substances.
blue ecodesign icon with a recycle basket and symbol symbolizing the composting concept


Biotechnology based on an oxidative process for the treatment of organic waste of different origin and nature. This process is operated by aerobic bacteria and the final compost can be used as fertilizer in agricultural field.
European Eco-label


European ecological high quality brand that rewards the best products and services from an environmental point of view, distinguishing the company from competitors on the market. The request of the Eco label brand is voluntary, but it is allowed only to those products that have achieved environmental excellence.
ecodiscover icon with a world and two leaflets that symbolize the concept of ecology


Scientific analysis and study of interactions between organisms and their environment. An important goal for ecologists is to improve the understanding of how biodiversity affects the ecological function.
ecodiscover icon with a world and two hands symbolizing the concept of eco-sustainable


Any subject or company attitude that minimizes the impact on the environment and permits to avoid contamination with harmful substances.
ecodesign icon with wind blades symbolizing the concept of renewable energy


All forms of energy that are not dependent on restricted resources such as fossil fuels. Renewable energy can be used directly or it can generate electricity, such as solar panels, wind generators and hydroelectric power.
Forest Stewardship Council logo is a non-profit international NGO.


The Forest Stewardship Council (or FSC) is an international non-profit NGO. FSC represents a system of forest certification system recognized internationally. The certification aimed at the correct forest management and traceability of products. The FSC logo guarantees that the product is manufactured using raw materials from well-managed forests, according to the principles of the two main standards: forest management and chain of custody.
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